We think outside the bots.
Rockford Robotics
Rockford Robotics' Past Robots
This is a list of all of the past robots Rockford Robotics has created over the years. There are photos and information about each robot. The years are ordered from the most recent (top) to the earliest (bottom).
Name: Lucky
Coming Soon
Name: Swervasaurus
Coming Soon
Name: Spud
Coming Soon
Name: Shredder
Coming Soon
Name: Appa
Drive train with mecanum wheels to allow forward, backward and sideways movement
Driver controlled during sandstorm
Two cameras for use during sandstorm and regular play
Automated controls for scoring and climbing
Electronic panel fitted on the lift supports to allow for easy access
12 motors: four for drive train, four for stilts, two for cargo intake, one for lift, and one for rotating cargo/hatch system
Two intake wheels for gathering and ejecting cargo
Cargo and hatch manipulator mounted on an elevator lift
Pneumatic pistons for ejecting hatch panels
Lift can reach 7 feet to allow scoring on all levels of the rocket
Can climb on to (1 ft 7 in) third level platform on hab zone during end game
Stilt system that works with lift to raise robot
Name: Alorac
54 inches tall, 115 pounds
Three subsystems: drive, lift/hang, flipper gripper (scoring mechanism)
Drive train has two omni wheels and two plaction wheels
9 motors: 4 for drive, 2 for lift, 2 for flipper gripper, 1 for block centering
Pneumatic control of the flipper gripper locking system and gripping mechanism
Flipper gripper has four degrees of freedom enabling it to score in any direction
Flipper gripper photo eyes and limit switches allow for automated block pickup and scoring
Flipper gripper worm gear prevents backlash
Lift extends to nine feet
Able to rapidly score and maintain possession of the scale
Able to scale platform and lift three robots
Can score using switches
Name: Zuko
Twenty three inches tall, 110 pounds
Four motor mecanum drive
Photo eye controlled passive gear funnel system
A high rpm surgical tubing intake roller
Magnetic winch latch system
Flexible cloth fuel (ball) ejection system
Able to transfer gears from loading station to peg
Able to pick up fuel from floor and score low goals
Able to climb and maintain contact with touchpad
Very cool green underglow
Name: Kat
a 13 x 27.5 x 32 drive train
12 wheels: 4 mecanum, 8 traction
11 motors: 8 drivetrain, 3 auxiliary systems
4 gear boxes
dual purpose PTO boxes (power take off boxes) used to control drive train and lift robot in end game
a pneumatic compressor to shift gears and lift shooter arm
19,000 RPM shooter
an extension arm climb system
Name: ALFIE (Articulated Lift For Intense Entertainment)
sixty-two inches tall, 110 pounds
four motor mecanum drive
two motor belt driven lift with a servo actuated disc breaking system
planetary gear motor driven opposing lead screw fork articulation
five photo eyes for precision lift positioning
can lift a stack of six totes in any orientation
can lift and stack a recycling container
able to flip totes
reliable lifter and feeder station
Name: Om-Nom the Devourer
Drive Train
25.5 x 30 in frame
Two omni wheels for improved maneuverability
Achieves speed of 17 fps
Simple gear boxes with double cims on each modified to work with a hex shaft
Throwing into goal 15 feet away
Two mini-tough boxes with 12:1 gear ratio
Stationary shaft with bearing hub
Bent steel catapult arm
Pick up system
Rubber wedge top tread on roller
Driven by mini-cim with custom gears
Two pneumatic cylinders control the retractable frame
Name: King Cobra
Accurate full court 3 point shooter
Shooter with adjustable speed and angle
Pneumatic powered hatch or direct loading for manual frisbee loading
Software tracks number of frisbees in robot
Reliable floor pickup
4 motor, 6 wheel drive base with 2 omni wheels and traction wheels
Dynamic front end
Camera system provides direction and range information for autonomously controlling the shooter
Modular electrical control system allows major components to be unplugged and quickly switched out
10 point climb hooks
Overall: 9 motors, 3 pneumatic cylinders, 6 sensors and a camera system
Name: Air Thordan
Conveyor automatically senses and picks up foam basketballs from the ground
Indexing wheel allows us to control shooting one basket ball at a time
Four motor, six wheel drive gives us optimal speed, maneuverability
High speed dual conveyor belt system fires ball into turret
360 degree turret rotation allows shooting basket from any robot orientation
Two motor high speed wheel in turret boosts ball and provides back spin
Turret hood allows robot to autonomously adjust angle that ball shoots out
Camera system provides direction and ranging information for autonomously controlling the turret
Fully modular electrical control system allows major components to be unplugged and quickly switched out
A pneumatic powered hammer allows us to lower a drawbridge for us to drive up it, and also helps us balance robots on the bridge.
Name: Loki
6 wheel drive; dropped center
4 CIM drive
Arm reaches 9 feet
Self-aligning minibot deployment system
Camera mounted on arm
Line tracking
Weight: 120 lbs
Name: The Hulk
Automated ball intake using 4 photo eye sensors for internal ball situational awareness
Automated goal tracking
Turret capable of shooting balls approximately 10 feet
4 wheel drive with maximum robot and bumper weight for traction
Reliable empty cell delivery sensor
Turret position awareness and limit switches
10 to 15 ball capacity for fast delivery
Auto mode designed for moon rock delivery
Maximum allowable ball entry inlet size
Lightweight carbon fiber composites allow for weight added to achieve even distribution to wheels