Today was a very…eventful day. Our team is small, but we never stop trying to reach as high as we can.

Well, this was definitely the coolest thing we've done in a while! We finished the quals off with three more matches, one of which our alliance won. It was a little rough. However, our drive team is the coolest and they were able to perform amazingly under pressure and while dealing with some more mechanical issues.

We were chosen for the third alliance with Gear It Forward 2338 and Robo Remedy 7103. The match was super intense, a ton of defense coming from both alliances. Our drive team was playing defense with our robot, Spud, so they avoided picking up cargo and shooting it. Defense was a good thing for our drive team to play. It really helped the alliance to get those much needed points. Our alliance won 54 points total!

Because this is the last day of competition, everyone has mixed feelings. We are happy that it's almost over because of the stress and anxiety felt throughout the days. We are sad because competitions are always SUPER fun. We are nervous since we have another competition in two weeks in LaCrosse, WI. The event has taught us a ton, and we are going to be taking a lot with us to LaCrosse for our competition.

Unfortunately, our robot broke down in our second finals match, resulting in us getting booted off of the alliance. Another team replaced us and our robot, hopefully taking them further into the competition. We won't be moving on to any further competitions this time, but we will work hard to get far in the Seven Rivers Regional competition later this month. It seems as though our team has had more setbacks and disappointments than anything else. We are extremely grateful to have played alongside two amazing teams, and we wish them luck with their future endeavors.
The award ceremony began at 4:30pm today. Unfortunately, again, we didn’t win any awards, but we are still very proud of what we have accomplished. Our performance was incredible, despite the issues and disappointments. We are so grateful to have experienced this competition, and we thank everyone who has helped us on our way here. That includes sponsors, family and friends, our team, supporters, etc. You’re all cool ;)
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Marketing & Media sub-team
Rockford Robotics 2039